after much driving, a lot of podcasts and half an audio book, we made it through texas. (big fat exhal) if i ever see another rocky landscape i might have to be committed for flipping over ten cows.
we made to the south. and let me tell you the view instantly changes, hello swampland and interstate 10 being risen up over the water. it is gorgeous actually, if you ever get the chance, drive from louisiana to alabama. i was in constant awe of how the entire freeway was one long bridge. and truth be told, i actually hate bridges, crazy scared by them, my palms get clammy and my heart beats a little faster when i have to drive over them, walking i'm totally fine. but after about 15 minutes (and after facing a massive fear on the glass bridge skywalk) i came to enjoy the views and wonder that we could see this part of america thanks to that highway being over the water.
also, as a fun note, we drove for two straight days in a rainstorm. and all i had brought for clothing was for warming weather, silly rabbit! so, i looked like this:
man, look at that picture quality, at least i didn't say at the beginning of this blog to expect some amazing photography or anything! but you get the point, i'm the blonde california girl who expects everywhere to be 70 and sunny in the winter. i need to get out more.
first stop for our trip in the south, new orleans! i've always wanted to see it, big cities call out my name for a little adventure, but never to live there. driving into new orleans was actually heartbreaking though, there is still so much damage from the hurricane and you see how that plus a lot poverty can affect such a once beautiful place.
it was a week before mardi gras though, and these folk were already gearing up (fun fact: we stopped in alabama to see my dear friend lauren and she informed me that mardi gras actually started in alabama, not new orleans! and it was a family friendly event surprisingly, the more you know.....) so the houses looked a little something like this:
i felt like the houses that weren't all dressed up were a bunch of party poopers or something!
walking around the french quarter it truly is so unique, i wanted to take all the buildings with me and put them in a better neighborhood and then live in them!
we decided to walk down the infamous bourbon st. but we walked a little to far down it and remembered something, this beautiful city is deeply corrupted by sin. my dad and i were invited into a strip club, and the guy really just didn't understand why we were so appalled that we didn't want to come in....after leaving new orleans i kinda thought about how this is how sin is, it seems so beautiful and welcoming on the outside but when you get the heart of it and open your eyes, it's so repulsive. this is new orleans, on the surface, it is lovely old buildings but inside those buildings hide some horrible things, white washed tombs anyone?
turning around and deciding we should stick to the more resturant part of the french quarter we found this little family band. all the kids had to be under 12 years old, and they were unreal! (you can see a video on my instagram)
they were a little ray of sunshine among the gloomy rain! and they had the widest range of music, going from "when the saints go marching in" to "ring of fire" without missing beat. the girl with the tamborine was probably my favorite to watch though as she closed her eyes and sang and whipped her head around in marvelous fashion.
naturally, being in new orleans we had to try some creole cuisine!
apparently, this is the place for the best and most favorite chicken and sausage gumbo in town, i have to admit it lived up to that!
before heading out to alabama, we were told we had to try the local fair of chicory coffee, after walking around a bit to find a specific place recommended, we ended up going into a "smoke and coffee shop," true blue i guess. i don't know if chicory coffee is for me, but i'm always up for trying new things and local food!
back on the road to spanish fort, alabama, where my friend lauren lives! i finally got to me her sweetest and most entertaining family. they live in the cutest neighborhood where all the streets are based of "gone with the wind," i wish i took a picture of my namesake street! yup, named after a dude, thanks mom!
here's lauren and i in our finest hour:
after leaving her house, we went to a bass pro shop, when in rome my dad always says!! i had never been before, and woah, i was so overwhelmed and all i wanted to do was buy one of those tree chair things and camp. dad had some fun with the fish tank....
next stop, final stop. finally florida is in sight.